Saturday, March 21, 2009

Back from Vegas

At the beginning of the trip I was asking myself "What were you thinking?" The mother and daughter got into it the first night the mother arrived inside the Rivera Casino and I thought for sure someone was going to jail and I thought to myself "Where is the Clark County Jail and how much will bail be? I'll probably have to fly the offender back out for court, shit this is going to get expensive" They patched it up the next morning and the rest of the trip went well.

I tried to teach both of them the art of Blackjack. The daughter seemed to be absorbing all the information I was spouting and was seeming to grasp the card and my betting system. The mother on the other hand didn't seem to have the patience/inclination to learn the rules and betting system and she was more interested in small talk with the dealer and other players(UPDATE: The mother was taking it all in and liked the game and wants to go back and play some more). They both ended up taking home more than they brought which was good for them, bad for me.

You see I had to play with the unwashed masses, the blackjack players that don't have a clue how to play and play at the $5 tables. We ended up downtown for most of the trip as that is where the $5 tables are all day and all night. My luck with Blackjack has come on the $25 tables where its usually just me and the dealer or maybe one other player who knows when to take a hit, when to double down, when to split, etc. If it wasn't for two times that I ventured out without the ladies and hit the $25 tables and tripled my money each time the trip would have been an extremely bad loss for me. I consider Blackjack a business and I'm there to win money, not to make friends with the other players or the dealer.

Looking back on the trip though, I had a good time and I think the ladies enjoyed the shows and the good times we had on the tables even if they merely tolerated the others existence. Will I do it again? I'll have to get back to you on that. I'll definitely go back by myself, whether I bring along the others is another story, for another blog entry.

The other thing I lost while in Vegas was sleep, I think I averaged 5 hours a night and I still am feeling groggy each morning but its getting better, give it a week and I'll be back to normal.

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