Friday, May 29, 2009

Morons to the left of me, Morons to the right...

Here I am stuck in the middle of a SOX audit.

I work for a company that falls under Sarbanes Oxley and our audit is coming up and as the controller I have to get all our ducks in a row. The estimators have completely screwed up the bid log and 3 of the 5 items the auditor wants to see don't match up mathematically. The bid log has one number ,the bid sheet has another. How f'ing difficult is it to put the right numbers down. My accounting clerk is in charge of sending out the SOX reports for the PM's to sign and the one PM that I warned her about has once again dropped the ball. I can't stand this, its a good thing she's getting fired next Friday, I can't do this again with her. Her package she gave me was missing items and out of order. How difficult is it to follow a list and put them in the order on the list and let me know what's missing, does she think I'm not going to check everything before I hand it off. Just had to get that off my chest, I feel better now.


  1. It's not that hard...she just doesn't give a rats ass. Obviously, this job is just a paycheck for her or she would care about her role as if this business were hers. The best employees take responsibility and ownership. This chick...yeah, not so much.

    Sorry you have to deal with that hassle.

  2. One more thing...NOW you KNOW why I've blogged for seven years. Good venting ground. ;)
