Thursday, August 20, 2009

How did he get past the terrorist watch list?

Convicted airplane bomber allowed to fly home. I got pulled aside in Orlando and they let this guy on a plane, what's wrong with this picture. They should have put him on a slow boat to Libya. And what's this compassionate release because he's dying, let him die in prison, what if the diagnosis is wrong and he lives another 20 years.

1 comment:

  1. Its all about cheap oil contracts with Libya. The same idiots enraged about this release will also complain about higher gas prices, air fare, shipping costs.....all tied to oil costs. Truth hurts.
    Having said all that.....They should have transported him back in an old Cessna and had the pilot bail out with a parachute over the Mediterranean. On the way down he would trigger a small explosive to separate one wing. Ideally there would also be an on board camera to capture this a-hole's expression as the plane shoulder roles into the drink.
