Friday, November 20, 2009

The case for term limits...

With the Senate vote coming up on whether to continue the Health care debate it seems that the members of Congress vote not on the wishes of its constituency that voted it into office or on their moral compass but on whether their vote will allow them to keep their office. If you got voted in on a certain platform you should stick with that platform whether it gets you re-elected or not. The job of a Congressional delegate is not to vote to get re-elected but to vote based on what got them there to begin with. It was never meant to be a life long position, it was to offer your service to the country. These people that have been in the Senate and House for ages don't have any new ideas, they are merely holding others from bringing new ideas to the table. Since the electorate can't seem to move these bums along I think its time to enact countrywide term limits for all higher offices not just the Presidency.

Well, that and Senator Byrd

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