Monday, June 13, 2022

Well Regulated

 What does well regulated mean?

It seems to me that it means some sort of control. I own a firearm and I'm willing to pay for insurance for the privilege of owning one. I think the insurance industry could come up with a policy that would cover firearm owners. The insurance business is very good at determining risk and assigning premiums to those risks. With the insurance industry to regulate the militia I think we might be able to keep guns from getting into the hands of the mentally unstable. I would think that the insurance companies could come up with procedures to determine a person's mental capacity to see if they should own a gun in the first place. If they are suspect, then the insurance premium would be high and would keep the person from being able to purchase a weapon from a licensed dealer who would be required to make sure the purchaser has insurance. This would stop a majority of these killers. Of course some would still try to purchase on the black market and when they use it then the courts would need to see if anyone is responsible for the gun getting into an uninsured hands. Insurance premiums would be paid out to the victims of gun violence.

Nothing else seems to work, why not try this. I'm not for banning weapons, but let's regulate who can be part of the militia.

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