Friday, April 16, 2010

Rush's little memory problem....

Listening to Rush Limbaugh on the radio as I drove back to the office after lunch today, I know, I know, what the hell am I doing listening to Rush but he's on the radio station I listen to for my morning and afternoon commutes because of the excellent traffic reports and I like a good laugh every Friday so I don't change the station. So anyway he gets a caller who's all enamored with Rush, like they all are, and the caller starts in about Rush's big contribution to leukemia and the caller recalls Rush saying that at one point several years ago during a similar pledge drive that Rush called out to his assistant to get his checkbook so that he could write a check, Rush said he couldn't remember ever letting his assistant hold his check book or ever asking his assistant for his checkbook. It all of a sudden dawned on me why he doesn't remember......he was all whacked out on Oxycontin and probably doesn't remember anything from that time period including "W"'s presidency which actually makes perfect sense on how he can rail against everything the democrats are doing but can't remember a thing about the past republican failures.

I keeellll you!!!

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