Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Some poor Mexican went without this evening...

Vandals defaced the Arizona Capital with refried beans smeared into swastikas to protest the new illegal immigration law. Now I think this is funny as hell but who actually did this? Lets look at this rationally, would the Latinos use refried beans as a form of protest? It plays to easily into the stereotype of Latinos so I really don't think they perpetrated this act. It might have been another group out to inflame passions even further which leads one to believe it might have been the skinheads/white supremacists. Of course the most logical answer is that it was just a couple of college kids playing a prank.

As far the law that Arizona just passed, I'm all for it, if you get pulled over for a broken tail light or speeding or are questioned by the police and you don't have a valid driver's license or photo ID then you should be considered an illegal until you can prove otherwise regardless of your skin color.

I also feel that if you are questioned and can't speak English then you are not from here and are thusly an illegal as well. I'm not singling out Spanish speakers here, if you can only speak Cantonese, Farsi or German then you are also here illegally as the legal immigrants have to show proficiency in English to be granted citizenship.

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