Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Young Americans, Lazy or Victimized

The youth of America are facing some tough times ahead. This article lays the blame on the Baby Boomers. It's a long read but filled with good information.With the ever increasing cost of college and the job prospects looking weak I can empathize with today's youth.

The problem I have with the youth of today is their motivation. When I went to college I worked 40 hours/week in a construction job to pay for classes and books. I also lived at home with my parents which saved a lot of money and my parents did provide some financial support as well beyond the roof over my head. I graduated with no student loan debt and minimal credit card debt. Now the cost of college has increased since I was in college and I probably would have had some student loan debt if I was in school today, but definitely not $25K to $100K that you hear about these days. My question then is are today's youth doing all they can to pay for college upfront or are they just enjoying college and putting all the costs on credit, i.e. student loans, credit cards, etc?

When I graduated from college in 1993 America was emerging from the recession of 1990-1991 which saw a high of 7.8% unemployment in June of 1992. Now this last recession was a lot worse, but if you graduate with a usable degree like my degree in accounting you can find work. If you majored in ancient Sanskrit or medieval judicial theory than yes you will have problems locating acceptable employment. Is that my problem, no that is your problem..

Have the Baby Boomers poisoned the well of prosperity? That maybe true but maybe that well was about to dry up anyways and the next generations needed to find their own.

To America's youth all I can say is "Life's a big shit sandwich and we all have to take a bite"

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