Monday, June 15, 2015

Pope Francis vs James Inhofe

James Inhofe to Pope Francis: Stay out of Climate Change Discussion

I'm kind of on fence with global warming and climate change (and way out of touch on politics), but this is hilarious!
Sen James Inhofe to Pope Francis: Shut up old man, put your dentures back in, take your Geritol and get off my lawn!
What ever happened to pandering to your electorate?!?!? Are there no Catholics in Oklahoma?
I am worried about Jim coming after my beloved ELCA Lutheran Bishop next.

As both of these gentleman have advanced degrees in science, I am still undecided.
Instead of flipping a coin on this issue, I am going to use a 'scientific' approach: Who has the most Twitter followers?

Pope Francis Twitter
James Inhofe Twitter

Full disclosure that Oklahoma is headquarters to Sierra Club, Greenpeace and variety of other environmental PACs.  James Inhofe is likely well funded by their lobbyists.

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