Friday, January 25, 2019

Trump Doubles Down on Ross's Stupidity

What is wrong with these people. If I went down to the local King Soopers that I frequent every week and told them I needed groceries on credit they would look at me like I was nuts. Maybe that happens in the bodegas of New York or the backwater towns with one grocery store for 100's of miles but it doesn't work so well in the suburbs of the big cities where the majority of Americans live.

The big banks control the mortgages not your local mortgage broker. Unless you are borrowing from your 2nd cousin twice removed named Louie you have no personal connection to the banks and you are just a number and if you don't pay, they sell your house to get their money back.

These politicians don't represent ordinary Americans in the least. How are they the best to govern us when they don't even know what it is like to be us.

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