Monday, August 12, 2019

Conspiracies abound

So Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide.

The conspiracy nuts are sure it is the Clinton's that had a hand in his death as they are sure Vince Foster, Jim McDougal, Seth Rich and as many as 140 others also died due the Clinton's.

Here might be another take on this. Given Donald Trump's displeasure with Hillary Clinton to the chants of "Lock Her Up" and seeing his tweets that retweet conspiracy theories that the Clinton's killed Epstein. Why didn't he have Mr Epstein guarded more closely, he's the President and he has unlimited power and resources so that he could exact his revenge and Epstein could expose Bill Clinton and maybe even Hillary? This would be par for the course for Trump, but what if Epstein could expose Trump as well? Trump is known to have hung out with Epstein, Trump likes younger women which is evident with each new bride and his stalking of young Miss Universe contestants in the dressing rooms. Trump as President also has the ability to work the system to make problems go away, I scratch your back you scratch mine. It could be that Trump either choose to do nothing or he could have expedited the "suicide".

Something to think about.

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