Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sven & Ole Might be on to Something

I am of the opinion that we cannot change this country for the better through the election process. The election process has been co-op'ed by those with vast sums of money who can buy elections and it has only gotten worse with the Supreme Court's decision to allow corporations to fund Super Pacs. The little guy who wants to have a voice in government doesn't stand a chance at winning an election unless he has been approved by someone who has the funds to pay for their campaign which makes them beholden to their benefactor.

The Swedes and the Norwegians have taken a different path than our country and have achieved vastly different results from what we have now in our country. They have faced the same situations as we have and have gone a different route which seems to have led to more equality and prosperity for all.

Please go read the following and see if it resonates with you.
How the Swedes and Norwegians Broke the Power of the 1%

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