Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Virgin Mary fired for getting pregnant....

I know the Christian church did not exist at that time, but if the Virgin Mary had been working at the Christian School in this article she would have been fired even though she did not have sex because no one would have believed that it was an immaculate conception. Now I'm not taking this ladies side as she did sign a contract and she should be held accountable for her actions but I just think its funny that if they applied this policy across the board they would have fired the mother of the savior. I do think though that she has a case in that they offered her boy friend / fiance' the job having known full well that he engaged in pre-marital sex because he got her pregnant.

Best comments on the article:

"Maybe she should have agreed she was pregnant but said the church couldn't prove it was due to premarital sex--I mean the Christian Church is based on the entire concept of immaculate conception, so they can't exactly insist it's impossible, now can they?"

"She should have claimed it was an immaculate conception -- no premarital sex. That apparently worked out well for some chick a long time ago... and they totally bought it."

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