Thursday, February 28, 2019

Popular Vote Wins

Colorado is on the brink of signing onto the compact of states that once they have 270 electoral college votes they will enact the law to determine the electoral college votes to the winner of the popular vote in all of the US. Maine and Nebraska already apportion their electoral college votes instead of a winner take all approach that all the other states take so I don't see why this would be a constitutional issue if it is already up to the states to say who gets the electoral votes like Maine and Nebraska have already done. I know we are a Federal Republic/Constitutional Representative Democracy not a pure Democracy but why should a vote in Nebraska or Montana be worth more than a vote in New York or California when it comes to the Presidency?

I still think a test should be administered before voting to see if you actually can tell the difference from facts and alternative facts. A few simple questions that tell if you have a grasp on reality or are living in a Russian troll farm reality.

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