Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Every 75 Years......

Now I am not one to wish a revolution upon us as they tend to be bloody. However with the way things are going in this country I can see mass uprisings as more people start to figure out that they completely screwed as their houses are taken away and they can no longer feed and cloth their children. When a man is pushed past his limits, basic instincts kick in and those instincts are animalistically violent.

The only people that can stop this coming revolution are the people that will lose the most if they don't do something about the inequality. The top 5-10% in wealth in this country control the wages in this country. If they were to loosen the purse strings and pay decent wages, inequality would diminish and our country would pull itself out of the recession. When poor people have more money they spend it which causes good and services to be bought which in turn creates more jobs. These newly employed then buy more things and the process repeats.

This could happen if the rich could see that by reducing their profits their own health and well being is preserved, but my guess is the rich will continue to screw the working man/woman and line their pockets and this country will end up in a very bad place.

The rich in this country need to do the right thing before they find themselves staring down the business end of a weapon.

That's just my opinion, I could be wrong. 

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